My Books
The Goldilocks Map transforms brain research from a daunting monologue into an approachable, exciting, and lively conversation.
This book offers a specific, practical quest map to discover an ideal balance between accepting and resisting resisting all research-based guidance
The Goldilocks map:
A Classroom Teacher’s quest to evaluate ‘brain-based’ teaching advice
Learning Begins explores core scientific findings about working memory, and then provides strategies to help teachers anticipate, recognize, and solve the WM problems that inevitably arise in classrooms.
Learning begins:
the science of working memory AND attention for the classroom teacher
Learning Grows explores the vexing question of student motivation.
By understanding the forces the demotivate our students, we can refocus our energy on fostering motivated students within a motivating environment.
Learning Grows:
The science of motivation for the classroom teacher
I write the Learning and the Brain blog. Two or three times a week, you’ll find my thoughts on the latest research in psychology and neuroscience.
If you’re on Twitter, you can find me @AndrewWatsonTTB. I also write for Learning and the Brain: @learningandtheb.
With Michael Wirtz and Lynette Sumpter, I wrote an article for NAIS's Independent School Magazine: "Putting Memory to Work."